ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Here are the top 10 results for Multimedia in the over 175,000 circulation category in the Associated Press Sports Editors 2015 contest:

TOP TEN (in alphabetical order): Matt Scalici and Wesley Sinor
Denver Post: Andy Cross, Amy Brothers, Mahala Gaylord, Dean Krakel, Brent Lewis, John Leyba, Aaron Ontiveroz and Patrick Traylor Staff

Kansas City Star: Vahe Gregorian, David Eulitt and Monty Davis
Miami Herald: Staff

Newsday: Laura Albanese, Saba Ali, Jeffrey Basinger, Jim Baumbach, Anthony Carrozzo, Matthew Cassella, Robert Cassidy, Ann Choi, Mario Gonzalez, Timothy Healy, Greg Inserillo, Mark La Monica, TC McCarthy, Arnold Miller, Jessica Rotkiewicz, Chris Ware and Hank Winnicki

The Boston Globe: Matt Pepin, Alan Miller, Alex Lancial, Elaina Natario and Russell Goldenberg
The New York Times: Catrin Einhorn, Joe Ward and Josh Williams
The New York Times: Shan Carter, Wilson Andrews, Derek Watkins, Joe Ward, Josh Williams, Jeremy White.
Washington Post: Dan Worthington, Emily Chow and Julia Heffernan